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Peace be still

Thus sayeth the Lord our God.
Come unto Me all ye that are heavy laden and burdened down and find rest for your souls.
In Me you will find perfect peace and a place of refuge.

Envy not the wicked; for their souls are in constant torment and they will find no rest day or night.
For there is no rest for the wicked.

My Peace I give unto you, not like the world giveth; even so My Peace will remain day and night through all the storms and strife.
Ask and I will give you the Peace that is able to still all the storms of strife.

Jesus stilled the storm that was in danger of sinking the apostles's little boat by simply uttering the words, "Peace be still." The Sea of Galilee suddenly became as smooth glass and the sun broke through the clouds.
Peace be still.

©11/21/2001 Jim Welch

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