September 20 of Arise with Christ
Abandon this sod house
The ways of the Lord are wonderful and
it is worth losing all you have to acquire
It is well worth abandoning everything we
have in this current wretched and forlorn
life in order to become even the least among
God's children.
The rich young ruler was asked to sell all
he had and give it to the poor and follow
Jesus in order to inherit everlasting life.
He refused. He didn't acquire onto eternal
life and also he has lost all that he had.
Life is but like a vapor.
It is but here for a
short time and then it is gone.
What does it profit a man if he were to gain
the riches of the whole world but lose his soul.
Jesus said, "He who would save his life will
lose it and he who would lose his life for My
sake will save it."
Let us therefore abandon
this sod house for a Heavenly Mansion.
©09/20/2001 Jim Welch
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