Arise with Christ September 03 of Arise with Christ

The message of the Father's love

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us (the body of Christ) to preach good tidings to the poor and to bring a message of hope to the down trodden.
To preach deliverance to the captives and to bring a lamp of light to those who live in darkness.
To bring a healing balm to those who are sick and comforting words to the broken hearted.
To make straight crooked pathways and to declare openly God's holy truths.
To bring Heavenly Manna to God's hungry sheep and living water to those who are dying of thirst.
To be a friend to all who are in need and to intercede for those who lost their way.
To restore the children of the Lord to a right relationship to God and to bring the message of the Father's love to the whole household of God.
©09/03/2001 Jim Welch

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