October 26 of Arise with Christ
Comfort ye all My children
Comfort ye, comfort ye all My children.
Bring a message of hope to deliver them from
For they are not of this world but sojourners in
a foreign land, rejected and despised, strangers
and outcasts.
They are like orphans without a home finding no
welcome mat anywhere, nomads and wanderers
all the days of their lives.
Son, you have My Holy Spirit to comfort you
daily, they have none to comfort them and they
have become discouraged and live their lives
in despair.
Comfort ye, comfort ye all my children.
Bring My words of hope to them, declare the
words that I give you to the whole world, that
my children may know that I have gone away to
prepare a place for them and will come again to
take them away to the Kingdom of Heaven.
©10/26/2001 Jim Welch
Original URL: http://awake.seranates.com