Arise with Christ October 25 of Arise with Christ

Sealed by all the power of Heaven

Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid.
If you love God; His armies will encompass around you; ready, willing and able to protect you from all harm.
His angels are always with those who love the Lord God with all their hearts and His angels are ready to do battle with Satan and his evil host.
All things will therefore work together for good for those who love God.
If you submit yourself daily onto the Heavenly Father with your heart filled with love for Him; Satan will flee from you because the army of the Lord is more than able to defeat him.
For those who love God the powerful legions of Heavenly hosts are encamped around them day and night, protecting, protecting and protecting.
Brethren, if you love God with all your heart you have been sealed by all the power of Heaven, forever.
©10/25/2001 Jim Welch

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