Arise with Christ October 18 of Arise with Christ

The feast of hidden manna

Behold! I stand at the door and knock.
Everyone who hears My Voice and opens the door I will enter into his life and pour out My Spirit upon him and he shall feast of Hidden Manna that comes down from Heaven.
The fruits of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace is the Manna from Heaven that nourishes all men's souls and replenishes their spirits.
Unless a person abounds in love for God and his fellow man, he is walking in spiritual darkness and does not know God.
Brethren, if you are lacking in love and have become filled with bitterness; open wide the door of your heart and life to God, let Him come in and He will restore and fill you to overflowing with the Feast of His Love.
Joy will be restored.
Peace will return.
Abandon all your own ways and let God rule in your life and heart.
Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand.
©10/18/2001 Jim Welch

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