Arise with Christ November 05 of Arise with Christ

Seek for God's help and guidance

Lest at any time we would begin to think of ourselves as being so wise that we think that we no longer need His counsel, the Almighty and infinitely wise God allows problems and difficulties to come into our lives that seem to have no solutions to keep us humble.

It is when we are faced with insurmountable and dire circumstances that we are most aware of our need of God's help and guidance.

The meek and humble seek for God's help and guidance whether they are faced with problems or not.
The proud and the haughty cry out for God's help and guidance only when they are in extremely dire circumstances.
There is an old saying that there are no atheists in the foxholes in the middle of a raging battle.

Brethren, seek for God while He still can be found. Learn His lessons the easy way by listening to His Holy Spirit and not the hard way by the school of hard knocks.
©11/05/2001 Jim Welch

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