June 12 of Arise with Christ
Do not replace love by religious tradition
Love one another.
A new commandment by which all men will know you are true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Because iniquity does abound in these last days the love of many Christians for each other and for
God the Father has virtually disappeared altogether.
Coldness of heart has replaced warm hearted love.
Mercy has virtually become non existent.
Mercy is an act of kindness done toward another with warm hearted love.
God desires us to live by mercy and not sacrifice.
Sacrifice is a kind act done without warm feelings of heart.
Do not replace love by religious tradition.
Do not become so pious that you forget to love one another.
God looks at the heart and not your actions.
©06/12/2001 Jim Welch
Original URL: http://awake.seranates.com