Arise with Christ July 21 of Arise with Christ

God's Living Truth

In the last days many will depart from the truth, giving heed to seducing spirits and teachings invented by the evil hearts of men.
They will turn the truth of God into a lie and proclaim lies as truth.
Son, you have no need that any man teach the truth, for the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost, will teach you all things, reveal all things, and guide you into all truth.
The subversion of truth, even if adhered to by the many, does not and cannot alter the reality of God's Living Truth.
Satan is the father of all liars and all liars are Satan's children.
By their fruits you shall know them.
Do they teach hate or love, strife or peace, confusion or clarity.
The works of men shall pass away, but The Word of The Lord shall endure forever.

©07/21/2001 Jim Welch

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