Arise with Christ July 17 of Arise with Christ

Ask and you shall receive

Seek after the things of God and not the things of man.
The things of men will all pass away but the things of God endure forever.
You cannot add the things of God to yourself.
His things are added to you by Our Father, who is in Heaven.
Your own course of action (i.e.) taking thought, studying scriptures, church attendance etc. will not add the things of God to your life.
The things of God are real and living and they can only be added to you by Our Father, who is in Heaven.
No matter how hard you try you cannot add the things of God to yourself, nor can any other man, no matter how holy, add the things of God to you.
Only God the Father can add His things to you.
Come into His Presence and ask Him to add His things to your life.
Ask and you shall receive.
©07/17/2001 Jim Welch

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