Arise with Christ July 14 of Arise with Christ

Eat your spiritual breakfast everyday

Come! Let us reason together, sayeth the Lord.
Open your hearts and minds to God and be refreshed and renewed daily.
Does anyone begin a day without taking consideration for the needs of his body?
Yet, many, they are who begin each day without any consideration for the needs of their souls and spirits.
As the body has need of physical sustenance, so your spirit has need of refreshing daily of the spiritual sustenance of The Father's feast of love.
Likewise, your soul has a need of renewal daily of the water of God's Divinely inspired words of truth to restore and reestablish your life in a right relationship with God.
To neglect a daily feasting of God's hidden Manna results in a weak Christian who is unable to resist the wiles of the Devil.
Eat your spiritual breakfast everyday.
©07/14/2001 Jim Welch

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