Arise with Christ July 10 of Arise with Christ

The Hidden Manna

Thus sayeth the Lord, I am all things to you, in Me your soul is satisfied.
Come and dine.
Feast of the Hidden Manna which comes down from Heaven and drink of the Living water.
For in these two, the revival of your spirit and the rekindling of the fire of zeal is fulfilled.
All that worship The Father must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The spirit is revived by the Hidden Manna of the outpouring of God's fruits of The Spirit, love, joy and peace.
The outer life is brought into subjection to God the Father by the living water of God's inspired words which restores to a right walk with God.
The living water has the power to purge us from all unrighteousness and enables us to receive and grow in the Father's fruit of The Spirit.
Jesus came so we can have life and that in abundance.
©07/10/2001 Jim Welch

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