July 03 of Arise with Christ
Seek the Kingdom of Heaven
When Jesus comes with all His glory and majesty will He find you faithful or faithless?
Will He find you laboring at the work He gave you to do or will you be found persuing fun and
worldly pleasures?
Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven.
Labor for treasures in Heaven and not on the earth.
For where your treasure is, so there will also be your heart.
What will God find when He examines your heart?
The day of the Lord is at hand, are you ready to meet Him?
Have you finished the work He gave you to do?
Remember the parable of the five virgins with no oil in their lamps.
If there wasn't any oil in their lamps, how could their light have been shining?
Lamps don't give light without oil.
Let your light so shine that others will see your good works and glorify God.
©07/03/2001 Jim Welch
Original URL: http://awake.seranates.com