Arise with Christ August 18 of Arise with Christ

I will find solace there

Into Thy Presence I will come, Oh God of Mercy, for you are most precious and wonderful.
I will find solace there, a refuge in the time of storm.
The peace I find in Your Presence is like none other and it purges me from all my feelings of worry and trouble.
Like darkness that flees from the presence of light so my inner turmoil flees away before the Light of Your peace, Oh Lord.
Who is like unto Thee, Oh Lord?
You can still the storms by a mere utterance of Your lips.
I will find a safe harbor from the storms of my life by sailing like a ship into the peaceful cove of Your Everlasting Arms of Love and Grace.
Like an abandoned child who was an outcast, you have opened your door of mercy to me, Oh Lord, and gave me a home.
©08/18/2001 Jim Welch

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