August 15 of Arise with Christ
God grants the increase
The increase comes from the Father, our God, who dwells in the Heavens.
One man sowed and another man watered, but God grants the increase.
If anyone lacks anything let him ask of God, who gives liberally, and God will grant the increase.
God makes it rain on the just and unjust alike and makes provision for all His creatures both small
and great.
If any man lacks love, joy, peace, wisdom, etc. let him ask of God for an increase, but let him ask
in faith with nothing wavering.
He that wavered, let him not think that he will receive anything from God.
If a bird would say within himself, "it is useless to go out and find worms because there isn't any
worms to find." Will he leave the nest to look for worms?
Nay! Birds do not waver and God provides, oh ye of little faith.
©08/15/2001 Jim Welch
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