August 01 of Arise with Christ
Lift up your hearts
Lift up your hearts with joy and sing of God's marvelous deeds.
He has stretched out the heavens with a sweep of His Right Hand and created a myriad of stars to
shine in the night.
Come! Let us adore Him.
Come! Let us exalt Him, the Creator of our souls.
Who is like unto Him, Who has made all things both spiritual and physical and placed a multitude
of life teeming in it?
The voices of angels sing of His praises and to all creatures who have thought He has given a
At the dawning of each new day all creatures break forth with singing and the forests are filled
with the sound of a multitude of voices.
Let all who have the breath of life in them sing praise to God.
©08/01/2001 Jim Welch
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