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Lift up your voices and sing

As in the days of yore when the glory of the Lord was openly demonstrated and holy men taught the truth, so shall there be a little season once again when the power of God will be openly displayed and truth will be poured out like a river.

Prophets of great renown shall appear and perform great miracles in sight of all men causing the hearts of God's children to rejoice.
They will say with jubilant cry, "God, He is real! God, He is real!"

This brief period of time will culminate with the archangel blowing his trumpet and the people of the Lord shall be assembled from the four winds and they shall go marching like a parade into Heaven.
Rejoice all ye Saints, for those days are near at hand.
Lift up your voice's and sing of God's Great Glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.

©08/17/2001 Jim Welch

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