April 27 of Arise with Christ
Grant us deliverance
Grant us deliverance from the wickedness of the world, Oh Lord.
Put in us a pure heart, so holy, that the Light of your Countenance shines through us.
Purify our hearing, the works of our hands, and the pathways we trod.
Cause us to become living epistles, lamps to light the darkness of men's souls, beacons of light
directing the way to a safe harbors to those sailing in storms of the sea of personal distress.
Let your Light shine through us, Oh Lord.
Let Your Ways be our ways and make us to be witnesses of Your Wonderful Love in this world
filled with hate and strife.
Grant us deliverance from the wickedness of this world, Oh Lord, our God.
©04/27/2001 Jim Welch
Original URL: http://awake.seranates.com