Arise with Christ January 25 of Arise with Christ

Be humble and pray

Thus sayeth the Lord, " I have come that you may have life and that abundantly."
Brethren, true fulfillment comes not by the multiple of things that you do for God, but by what God does for you.
A worker of iniquity is a person who is lifted up with pride and self righteousness and boasts of his own religious accomplishments.
He has convinced himself that God owes him for his labors.
Like the pharisee who bragged of his religious accomplishments when he went into the temple.
He worshiped, not God, but himself because he spent his time there praising, not God, but himself.
In judgement, these workers of iniquity shall say, "Didn't we preach in Your Name, and they will make a list of what they thought they had done for God."
But God will say depart from Me for I never knew you.
Be humble and pray.

©01/25/2001 Jim Welch

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