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Be true to your calling

Brethren, be true to your calling and lift up the standard of Jesus Christ.
Take your true place in the ranks of the army of God and obey the commands of the Commander and Chief of all of Heavens armies, Jesus Christ.
In the end of days and at the time appointed, Jesus Christ shall descend from the Heavens leading a vast and invincible army.
He shall defeat all the armies of the wicked one and shall establish His Kingdom of righteousness for all eternity.
Praise be unto the Lord our God. Hallelujah!
The ultimate victory is ours and truth shall prevail Hallelujah!
Sing praises unto Him, our Everlasting and Eternal King of Victory.
Praise be unto our Lord, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

©12/17/2001 Jim Welch

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